Deutsche Bank to close branches in favour of video advice

Posted: 20th September 2024

Deutsche Bank is to shutter a “mid-double-digit number” of branches while investing in telephone and video channels for providing personal advisory services to customers.

The bank says it is responding to the needs of its customers, who are increasingly using remote forms of advice as a convenient alternative with extended consultation hours. Teams from nine locations already advise personal banking clients in the broad private client business. Now that successful tests are underway at two locations, this form of advice is to be offered nationwide to wealthier clients in the private banking segment in the future.

“Deutsche Bank remains the bank for clients looking for high-quality advice. Personal advice is and will remain central – whether in the branches or by video and telephone,” says Dominik Hennen, head of personal banking Germany at Deutsche Bank. “We are focusing on attractive branches, which we want to anchor even more firmly in society.”

To this end, the bank will invite customers to more regular events in its branches and invest in new branch equipment, including new ATMs. A number of branches will be converted into private banking centers, which are geared towards advising wealthier clients. The German lender says experience at existing locations, which concentrates entirely on advising pre-registered private banking clients, has been “very positive”.

Further investments in digitization have also been earmarked, including the roll-out of a revamped mobile app next year.

Says Hennen: “Our customers expect a modern and fully digitized offering, but at the same time want the possibility of personal advice via the access channel of their choice. By completing more and more simple banking transactions digitally, we can concentrate fully on advising our customers through personal contact.”


Categories: Banking